Saturday, May 22, 2010

Baby Boy

I usually recommend that parents who want to photographically track the growth of their child do a newborn (obviously), then at four months- they are usually pretty smiley by then. Next at eight months- they are usually sitting up by then pretty stable. Then last at one year- when they are standing and sometimes even walking! Compare this little guys newborns (top tow) to the four month (middle and bottom rows).

baby Ezra 007 baby Ezra 195 baby Ezra 229 ezra at four months 094 ezra at four months 072ezra at four months 041 ezra at four months 056ezra at four months 075 ezra at four months 129

1 comment:

Marissa said...

so so cute. he is the cutest little boy. i love how you arranged everything. it looks so awesome!!